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Konzerthaus- Mozart-Saal Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien, Vienna , Austria

Sarah Nemtsov, Beat Furrer

ON:DRUMS — Premiere Solo Program

Kulturkotter Graz Schillerstraße 53, Graz, Austria

Franz Zappa, Enno Poppe, Sarah Nemtsov, Sami Klemola, Alexander Bauer, Diego Jiménez Tamame and Soyeon Park

PHACE — Vienna Contemporary Composers Festival

Ehrbarsaal Mühlgasse 28, Vienna, Austria

PHACE will be the Ensemble in Residence at the Vienna Contemporary Composers Festival (previously Composers Forum of the Vienna Summer Music Festival). Working on their pieces in rehearsals and presenting the results in two concerts, young upcoming composers get the opportunity to explore new terrain together with the musicians of PHACE. June...

Schallfeld — ESML Lisbon

ESML Campus de Benfica do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa – final presentation of the postgraduate students more info coming soon

PHACE — Zyklus — loom

Wiener Konzerthaus - Berio Saal Lothringerstraße 20, Vienna, Austria

schtum, Emre Sihan Kaleli, Zara Ali, Malika Kishino / Clement Power, Robert Pockfuß, PHACE